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- Short: Come closer to the ascii scene! Read charts, interview, etc. here.
- Author: Sector5
- Uploader: Robert "Raptor" Szymanski <raptor2@polbox.com>
- Type: demo/mag
- Action: NoAGA, 2mbCHIP, nJOy!
- 8ohms is an ascii pack about ascii scene for the demo scene. You may always
- find here interesting texts about ascii like interviews with well knokwn ascii
- artists, the list of the most popular ascii artists around the world and of
- course see great ascii colection! Can you belive it? Everything about ascii
- scene in ONE FILE ARCHIVE??? No, it can't be... Yes, it is!!! Check this out!
- .
- .
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- .S A Y Z.
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- |read,|spread,|love
- .
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- : tF!/u'R!
- .
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 165884 165884 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:56 8ohms6.exe
- 19335 17654 8.6% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +0d4uahdv5ejdlkpwgwqifgvjagcaaa
- 17307 16051 7.2% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +0e2pbygttmzhttnlb2weahlum4eaaa
- 13639 12883 5.5% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +1adwe0dcgmdgvwyeyh1bfnbndowaaa
- 29671 26825 9.5% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +1d00e0ddgbpd2ykpdhxnhhbupvfaaa
- 7411 7269 1.9% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +2djtdohbaqc3dorh0fn4dpaejfraaa
- 19303 18281 5.2% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +2gc0pidv4ljd5uchepgxnvgesauaaa
- 17367 15890 8.5% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +3dst3dgqpp0hemtggl2gjhvrjogaaa
- 14071 13463 4.3% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +3dzacedkhpb3ucuh0zdddasojhgaaa
- 25583 23729 7.2% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4bdqh5d0xmegq2hlcf3akhvrb1daaa
- 9367 9133 2.4% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4d3xp5hpycphdij1gk3nihkwn4baaa
- 9071 9059 0.1% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +4dlohcdsiahd1npudeueffzqo3aaaa
- 2659 2659 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4hqugchv0lhdijj1gj3nihkwn4baaa
- 8391 8346 0.5% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4hqwpggm1idhtfb4dwsjmfs4bwaaaa
- 41699 41699 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4hs3chcdserserhjaixdptknbfqaaa
- 1067 1067 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +4ht5nabnkn0kegno5c4gvd5mamdaaa
- 867 867 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +4ht5nabnknkegno5c4gvd5gmamdaaa
- 403 403 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +5bjad5cr4lcdytnk5hk1geh5tkqaaa
- 767 767 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +ad2gnth30g3fp5lwqmfl1hkjbhfaaa
- 239 239 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +ah51epdp1m2hmxgcdwxazdtvoiaaaa
- 471 471 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +ahn5kzhveyk1fzmncfj1njhqroeaaa
- 2203 2175 1.2% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +bd0nbbd23ixdrqludo1m1hy3lkdaaa
- 819 819 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +bf2jfnd4vibfvhhqbn0gaflagtgaaa
- 16583 15490 6.5% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +bg53e1dkbd3fyiczgq2obderigaaaa
- 11355 10425 8.1% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +cdllh3basn1g2tlmgg0hedszildaaa
- 24763 22631 8.6% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +dhcqmjhkifhamigscelpqgfpb2caaa
- 33371 29619 11.2% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +dhp2bkgrelia2fihfu3llh3ymyhaaa
- 34979 30446 12.9% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +dhqjcof42jfhoeiobb1jadoubugaaa
- 56187 39235 30.1% 17-Mar-97 14:37:58 +edjsdhh33jxbjzjedonmffoah3baaa
- 1919 1919 0.0% 17-Mar-97 14:38:00 +ef3gieba5lqc4jdndtrm1gsqonaaaa
- 254 135 46.8% 17-Mar-97 14:37:56 file_id.diz
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 587005 545533 7.0% 27-Jul-97 13:48:26 31 files